Monday 6 November 2017

NL Reid

Norman Reid was born on June 6, 1923 in Edmonton and recieved his BSC (with distinction) in Civil Engineering in 1949 and MSC in Structural Engineering in 1951 from the university of Alberta.

After serving in the Royal Canadian Air Force and Royal Air Force in World War 11, he was employed as a bridge designer by the Alberta Department of Highways and as a Sessional Instructor, Faculty of Engineering, U of A during his postgraduate studues.

And much more: This is the blog of his WW11 time as a navigator in the Royal Air Force, and many stories will be set down here so they are available to all to read, share, and use for research and historical purposes.

Below is a photo of Reid with his restored Tiger Moth, the aircraft used to train air crews in WW11 in Canada: